2010年11月11日 星期四

天賜 Kyle (5) answer

1.      super-skeez
2.      hold on
3.      yippee
4.      see ya
5.      no escort ( to swh )
6.      what kind of (某人) be if I let you die of embarrassment
7.      proximity 某人
8.      I’ll leave till you settled
9.      wait up
10.  awkward
11.  check it out
12.  new flash
13.  skank
14.  she’s remedial
15.  go a head
16.  I guess I’ll catch you at lunch?
17.  you bozo
18.  that’s social suicide
19.  your punk-ass little posse
20.  so, got, like, ten shades of pissy & called me a slut
21.  laugh riot
22.  truce
23.  I’m so over fight
24.  for reals?
25.  I’m so over you
26.  a bunch of morons
27.  that’s pathetic
28.  there suburban type
29.  paying a mortgage
30.  事物 makes then all jumpy
31.  shoot, couldn’t be in better hands
32.  I could tell what/which answer would relieve her and which she didn’t want to hear
33.  presented me the most diffccultest lesson
34.  school is over for today
35.  so much for our after noon on rendezvous
36.  check you out later
37.  I was late for detention
38.  check up on
39.  you could give a crap about my feelings
40.  I’m in remedial
41.  threw the first punch
42.  this is not now it appeared
43.  某人’s complete disregard for school /company rules
44.  his wandering, the tests he simply ignored
45.  I know I was super harsh before
46.  I know what you thought
47.  this whole day sucked
48.  it wasn’t about you
49.  it was a little about me
50.  it was mostly bad timing
51.  I’m goin’ for a coffee, come with?
52.  nah, I’m good
53.  I screw up all the time
54.  no worries
55.  keep it

