2011年1月16日 星期日

Doll House 玩偶特工第二集作業

Doll House 玩偶特工第二集作業
1. 某人看起來很困惑
3. 快走
10. 我讀了很多資料
11. 去弄輕楚A和B之間
13. (  用於互相的訊息接收 ) 給我一點訊息
14. A : ( 用於別人希忘你幫忙時 , 而你希望別人求你)
      B: 拜託你
      A: 我只是自己在自言自語
      A:  好吧!勉強接受
      B: 謝謝
      A : 非常樂意為你效勞( 兩種用法  )
15.都沒有進展嗎? ( 用於已經著手進行的事項 )
16. 為何不給我一些內幕
17. 三個壞蛋
18.一個不滿的adj+ 職業的人
21.互相幫忙,/ 如魚得水, 魚幫水, 水幫魚/ 鼎力相助
22. 種....因, 得....果
24. ( 某事發生後描述此人是幸運的)
25.我想那是你的管轄/ 你該做的事
26. 那真令人高興
28. 我們完全迷路了
30. 太偏遠的地方, 容易有一些不好的事容易發生
1. no worries.
2. We couldn't be more savory.
3. That was an anomaly.
4. There's unpredicatable remainders.
5. We're still working out the kinkies.
6. So,why not default them with ninja skills or whatever.
7. Abracadaba.
8. There are the not so goods.
9. he's the threat.
10. A guy like him, something gets under his skin, He's not going to let it go until it's scratched out.
11. How would you suggest us to deaal this?
12. Neutralize the risk before it becomes untenable.
13. Even a blind dog can find a bone if he digs enough holes.
14. All the appropriate measure are being taken.
15. thank you for your concern.
16. I think we have a situation.
17. The kind you ned to shoot at.
18. you psycho.
19. Rush the brush strokes, you'll get a clown on black velvet.
20. Tactile proxmity enhances bonding proocol.
21. you spinning yet.
22. just got caught with the wong people.
23. we're bombarded with perfect teeth, and who cares what's underneath.
24. How's your buddy holding up?
25. I'll put you down.
26.A : Why  don't we ease up? B : we'll call it a draw.
27. no harm, no foul.
28. That Sb is a psychopath.
29. Nothing in his pockets was real.
30. All of it was fabricated.
31. I've never seen anything this intricate.
32. his referral.
33. The gsws were no fatal.
34. you avoided the major arteries.
35. It all leads back to sb/ sth
36. If it were up to me, I'd put you in the attic or under ground.

Doll House 玩偶特工第一集作業解答

1.action have consequence.
2.you are a sore loser.
3. two out of three.
4. we said no strings, we also said no rops , and see how long we lasted.
5. we had no idea you are amoron.
6. i want to be is clingy.
7.This is gonna pinch a bit.
8. no obligations.
9. you're so jaded.
10. tyrant.
11. sth is a thriving business.
12. I don't want your Rambo.
13. This goes like clock work. 14. our active.
14. our actives.
15. We can make this for you.
16. You can enter the rest into the confessional.
17. Your internals are all shipshape.
18. work on your kness.
19. what fall on me?
20. She's not asleep.
3. 說一下, 你最近的工作進度.
4. 沒什麼, 一同往常.
8. 生存法則就是如此
9. 一些更特的東西
10. 天方夜譚
11. 你太不成體統了
14. 他就想這樣摸我
15. 你真健談
16. 拿錢或撕票
17. 他真是個混蛋/ 他真是笨手笨腳
18. 你留下一個破綻
19. 你到底在說什麼
21. 被挑撥離間 , 互相對立
22. 你會被指證
23. 他厭倦她們
25. 一切都過去了
26. 生活沒有你將變的暗淡且無趣
27. 我太老生常談/ 陳腔濫調