2010年12月2日 星期四

新成長的煩惱 Lizzie McGuire (2)

1.      你掛我電話
2.      我要來不及決定出門要穿什麼
3.      又露背又露肚臍的緊身衣再配上我的緊身褲
4.      緊急情況
5.      它太難看
6.      它讓我看起來很怪(且會成為眾所矚目的焦點)
7.      傻瓜(笨蛋)
8.      小測驗(小考)
9.      我完了
10.  我摸一下額頭看是否有發燒
11.  畢業紀念冊
12.  某人// 讓某人吐出~
13.  看到你的毛衣讓某人把牛奶自鼻子噴出
14.  保持現況
15.  體溫102(口含)
16.  他在裝病
17.  羅宋湯(甜菜湯)
18.  我們都要這樣做
19.  展現我們的能力
20.  你加入嗎?
21.  我照片拍的都很糟
22.  牙套
23.  你很不爽(膽心)
24.  說些事情有些尷尬
25.  女生也會這麼做
26.  你這傲慢的呆子
27.  我想我說的很清楚
28.  你體溫更高
29.  我得讓你出汗
30.  藥物蒸餾器
31.  可憐而奇怪的小女孩
32.  她在生我的氣
33.  我死都不求她
34.  恐怖
35.  肚子仍然痛
36.  我能去吃點餅乾嗎?
37.  你照某要求拍照不笑
38.  很復古
39.  你都亂說話了

2010年11月18日 星期四

新成長的煩惱 Lizzie McGuire (1) answer

1. What(‘s) up with that
2. I mean, nothing could be more superficial, demeaning and shallow
3. I hope I make it
4. try out
5. Do you want to humiliating yourself
6. A : If you ask me….
    B : Not gonna
7. I’m so out of here
8. We’ve got a picture
9. We’ve got you fooled
10. sometimes we fake it
11. We’ll figure it out on the way
12. They are always so snooty
13. You are no snoot
14. It’s no big
15. I merely cemented my social status to that of a nobody for ~ (-eternity)
16. My life turned out just fine
17. That’s relative
18. There’s no denying the resemblance
19. constipation
20. I’m out tie
21. geek
22. You’re decent and compassionate
23. Here we go
24. pep talk
25. The mother and daughter hand book
26. It’s not that what she’s saying is so bad
27. It’s just that I’ve heard it N times already
28. It makes the whole thing even more pathetic than usual
29. She’s that
30. She’s house broken
31. To avoid major devastation
32. stuffs her bra
33. The computer locked up again
34. Class Roster
35. The instant message went out to every one in (the whole school company)
36. I’m over sb. is going to crush me
37. You are so going to pay for this
38. Let sb. take(s) the rap
39. What am I made out of, jelly?
40. sb. handle(s) conflict so well
41. “sorry” doesn’t cut it
42. A : see you around
B : I’ll be around
43. You are allergic (to //)
44. You swelled up like a balloon
45. stand up to sb.
46. I lead a life of crime
47. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
48. You are a coward
49. I’m getting an ulcer
50. Big Deal
51. The herd will learn to follow a new path
52. nice manicure
53. I’m going to get you
54. to bid adieu to //
55. What tipped you off ?
56. spill
57. Let sb. take the blame for sth.
58. I backed my dad’s car into//
59. I haven’t got all day
60. freak
61. I’ve got easy on you
62. What has gotten into you ?
63. never laid a glove on me
64. You ain’t got no alibi
65. You ugly
66. This is so not good
67. picked one’s nose and had a snack
68. The herd’s moved on

2010年11月15日 星期一

新成長的煩惱 Lizzie McGuire (1)

                                         Lizzie McGuire
Starring Hilary Duff as Lizzie McGuire, Hallie Todd as Jo McGuire, Robert Carradine as Sam McGuire Jake Thomas as Matt McGuire, Lalaine as Miranda and Adam Lamberg as Gordo. Welcome to a world where best friends rule and little brothers think they do. Here's where you can experience the crazy adve
ntures of three friends (and one animated girl) as they duck the punches of middle school life.
What's Lizzie thinking? For the most direct answer, just ask her brassy, animated counterpart in this totally original Disney Channel comedy series mixing live-action and animation. In the world of 13-year-old Lizzie McGuire, every day is a popularity contest, every class is a crisis, and her Mom wants to know about every bit of it. Aside from being the focal point of her parents' good intentions, Lizzie hangs with her two best friends, Miranda and Gordo, and somehow manages to deal with her pesky little brother, Matt. While charting her course through an alternately awesome and awkward adolescence ? events, flashbacks and details are shown in a variety of images - including 16mm film, high-8 video and digital stills. And, no matter what's happening, count on animated Lizzie to give the real, unrestrained and often hysterical scoop on the emotions that her flesh-and-blood self feels all too well.
© Disney

新成長的煩惱 Lizzie McGuire,譯《利齊·邁奎爾》或《麗茲·麥戈瑞》),是一部流行的美國兒童電視劇,於2001年2004年迪士尼頻道播出。

2010年11月11日 星期四

天賜 Kyle (5) answer

1.      super-skeez
2.      hold on
3.      yippee
4.      see ya
5.      no escort ( to swh )
6.      what kind of (某人) be if I let you die of embarrassment
7.      proximity 某人
8.      I’ll leave till you settled
9.      wait up
10.  awkward
11.  check it out
12.  new flash
13.  skank
14.  she’s remedial
15.  go a head
16.  I guess I’ll catch you at lunch?
17.  you bozo
18.  that’s social suicide
19.  your punk-ass little posse
20.  so, got, like, ten shades of pissy & called me a slut
21.  laugh riot
22.  truce
23.  I’m so over fight
24.  for reals?
25.  I’m so over you
26.  a bunch of morons
27.  that’s pathetic
28.  there suburban type
29.  paying a mortgage
30.  事物 makes then all jumpy
31.  shoot, couldn’t be in better hands
32.  I could tell what/which answer would relieve her and which she didn’t want to hear
33.  presented me the most diffccultest lesson
34.  school is over for today
35.  so much for our after noon on rendezvous
36.  check you out later
37.  I was late for detention
38.  check up on
39.  you could give a crap about my feelings
40.  I’m in remedial
41.  threw the first punch
42.  this is not now it appeared
43.  某人’s complete disregard for school /company rules
44.  his wandering, the tests he simply ignored
45.  I know I was super harsh before
46.  I know what you thought
47.  this whole day sucked
48.  it wasn’t about you
49.  it was a little about me
50.  it was mostly bad timing
51.  I’m goin’ for a coffee, come with?
52.  nah, I’m good
53.  I screw up all the time
54.  no worries
55.  keep it

2010年11月8日 星期一

天賜 Kyle (5)

1. 騷貨
2. 等等
3. 太棒了
4. 回頭見
5. 別押著我們去某地
6. 如果讓你這麼尷尬,且見不得人,那我該是個怎麼樣的人?
7. 別跟我走太近
8. 我會先辦好你的事才走
9. 等等我
11. 看一看
12. 很勁爆的新聞
13. 騷貨
14. 她是個糾正狂
15. 繼續
16. 我們吃午飯時碰面再聊
17. 二個笨蛋
18. 人際關係毀了
19. 你的狐朋狗友
20. 某人如此大膽叫我騷貨
21. 真"好笑",諷刺冷笑話
22. 休戰
23. 我很厭倦吵架
24. 真的嗎?
25. 我不想和你有所關聯
26. 一群低能兒
27. 真可憐
28. 典型的鄉下人
29. 付房貸
30. 事物使人變的神經質
31. 坦白說,這真是再好不過了
32. 我知道什麼答案可以讓她安心或她不想聽
33. 他讓我學到最難的一課
34. 學校要關門了
35. 我們午間約會差不多了
36. 待會再聊
37. 我被留下來約談
38. 關心某人看某人一切是否過得好
39. 你根本不願顧慮到我的感受
40. 我鄭重道歉/修正錯誤
41. 某人先打人
42. 這不是這樣
43. 某人和加上某人違反校紀校規(公司規定)
44. 四處閒逛,考試交白卷
45. 我知道我剛才態度不好
46. 我明白你的想法/感受
47. 今天真糟糕
48. 不是因為你
49. 你是有點生我的氣
50. 誰叫你碰到我這麼不順的一天
51. 我要去喝咖啡,要一起去嗎?
52. 不用了,謝謝
53. 我把事情弄得很糟
54. 別客氣
55. 這個給你

2010年11月5日 星期五

天賜 Kyle (3) answer

1. it's so gross.2. drop 人 off
3. i gotta get going.
4. dork
5. you're on my way.
6. rough morning
7. i'm a temp.
8. hikers
9. exposing 人to sth. (like this)
10. it could further traumatize 人
11. give 人 a lead.
12. it's not happening.
13. we're doing guy stuff all day.
14. i felt in the way here.
15. what do you make of this
16. we have cuts to
17. you have a loyalty to this company.
18. you can't say a word.
19. we won't push it.
20. these images sth. are very rived for 人
21. i was on fire.
22. aced every problem.
23. sth. making more sense to you now.
24. chill out for i need to a while.
25. try not to get alarmed.
26. weird mutant
27. it's my hell.
28. still at it.
29. no sweat
30. vamanos
31. you are eager to do sth.
32. you ditched out on watching sth./sb.
33. stalk 人
34. we are confirming.
35. you're so full of it.
36. slut central.
37. i don't get you at all.
38. i'm so grounded.
39. you were sloppy.
40. i was rushed.
41. I'm not modest.
42. you could put it that way.
43. lying should come natlurally to you.
44. men freak them out.
45. that makes two of us.
46. i'm in full on freak out mode.
47. you're screwed.
48. some one nailed it.
49. it is a no-win situation.
50. my mom's gonna be coronary.
51. a long exile to my room.
52. i never wanted you to begin with
53. i'm in the way.
54. take your pick
55. i blew off a shift.
56. spare me the lecture.
57. i still have a pretty good handle on it.
58. don't get carried away.
59. break the bad news to 人
60. i completely suck.
61. zip it
62. we got busted.
63. 人 need super vision.

2010年11月3日 星期三

天賜 Kyle (2) answer

1. 人/事/物 every tasted and texture made my senses explode.
2. let's finish this up in the morning.
3. you have to go in.
4. i'm gone.
5. no one noticed he's gone.
6. how could that be?
7. he's a run-away.
8. patients with amnesia, caused by some traumatic experience.
    never to this degree.
9. it was madness at my house last night.
10. i wouldn't mind feasting on him.
11. that boy's a hottie.
12. haven't seen you around?
13. no time for me anymore?
14. might be able to fit you into my schedule.
15. (as long as) you ditched the skank.
16. we saw you mauling that nymph at your party.
17. i couldn't shake her/sb./sth.
18. she was mauling me.
19. he scooped sb. up.
20. he's incredible.
21. let him chew on that for a little while.
22. a genetic history.
23. he does have an extraordinary aptitude for math 事件
24. you tell me.
25. a genetic abnormality.
26. skin graft
27. navel
28. just like any other kid his age.
29. you're being ridiculous.
30. he does calculus, like it's plus 2.
31. they're concerned about sth. that's happened to them.
32. wear 人 out
33. chamomile always does the trick for me.  it's very soothing.
34. it's gonna help you sleep.
35. white-noise
36. hands off the stash.
37. my sour patche kids, they're sacred.
38. i'm so prime for the sequel.
39. you're anxious.
40. the dog whisperer
41. every time i get done with all my stuff, i just can't pass out for 8 hours.
42. i need a little down time.
43. down time.
44. seop skulking around
45. you can give a person a heart attack.
46. star-gazing.
47. are they gonna beam you up.
48. beam me.
49. your peeps
50. toss me the can.
51.i'll chew on the grinds.
52. you never fell back to sleep either?
53. i need a cup of Joe.
54. you need a pick me up?
55. i wonder if he wandered out again.
56. sedate 人
57. knock out 躺在 swh.
58. you never came out.
59. i got nabbed.
60. feel like you're jerking me around.
61. sb. is/was just messing with you.
62. so come by tonight.
63. you're going to leave me hanging again?
64. no way, i'm so there.
65. later
66. to exhaust you
67. running takes away what's worrying me.  it's my time to escape.
68. keep order in sth.
69. in your own head.
70. let's pick up the pace.
71. how did it go?
72. i'm beat.
73. he is a lightning bolt.
74. what are you gonna do, camp out by swh.
75. we'll go in shifts.
76. me first.
77. no midnight x-box for me tonight and no nasty-nasty for you and 人either.
78. they're posting guards to keep track of 人, rihgt out swh.
79. you're killing me.
80. can't you slip (by 人)
81. so you can bail on me again!
82. don't go high maintenance on me.
83. sneak out.
84. i'm thrilled
85. it's called sarcasm.
86. get used to it.
87. i wanted to stay here trapped in my room all night.
88. you're catching on.
89. let me take over.
90. we'll get over this hump.
91. S. will acclimate.
92. i can't give up on sb./sth.
93. 人 has squand cars.
94. he's been gone all day.
95. since when do you care?
96. i don't want anything bad happen to him.
97. i was nice to him, sort of.
98. there is nosign of him/sb./sth.
99. this is a long shot.
100. hone home
101. oh, for pete's sake
102. how did he even make it out here, on his own?
103. come on, knock it off.
104. i gotcha.
105. we need patternes.
106. he looks beat.
107. i have a ton of stuff to catch up on.
108. hold on.

天賜 Kyle (1) answer

1.      freak, freaky
2.      you are not disturbing me.
3.      //be rihgt up your alley.
4.      you are alive.  Bite me.
5.      dweeb, punk.
6.      be one’s flavor of the month.
7.      slut/miss skanky.
8.      in miss skankiy’s case.
9.      old news//be old news.
10.  knock it off.  補充: knock off work
11.  i have to go out for a bit
12.  let’s roll
13.  juice me.
14.  i’m going to quash hunger.
15.  see something you lkie.
16.  you gonna see my fist if you don’t quit eyeballing me.
17.  kissass
18.  he ain’t dissin’ you
19.  star(ring) at me.
20.  knock (him) out.  Wk
21.  the pain in my belly was getting move intense.
22.  no rec privilege for a week.
23.  John Doe
24.  for the time being
25.  he’s got all the look in the family.
26.  he doesn’t communicate.
27.  wandering around
28.  Amber Alerts
29.  missingt persons (report)
30.  belly butto
31.  they’re never gonna go for this
32.  i’m starving (to dead)
33.  drool all over
34.  show a compassion
35.  have/has tones of fun with sth
36.  S./sth. could be a lot handle.
37.  boobs
38.  i’ve gonna go.
39.  he’s with sb.
40.  he’s probaby got the clap.
41.  warts
42.  S. don’t/doesn’t click over.
43.  S./sth. struck me.
44.  there was pounding in my chest.
45.  a psycho
46.  run
47.  why’d you stick him/sth./sb. in 地方
48.  Prev
49.  i’m letting that slide is because + 原因
50.  give some altitude
51.  my language skills were/are relative primitive.
52.  Autism
53.  be not emotionally with draw
54.  he’s extra ordinary.
55.  you’re so wrapped up in sth./sb.
56.  a safe spot
57.  social serivces
58.  let’s get to work.

2010年11月2日 星期二

天賜 Kyle (3)
