Doll house 玩偶特工
Dollhouse is an American science fiction television series created by writer and director Joss Whedon under Mutant Enemy Productions.
The show revolves around a corporation running numerous underground establishments (known as "Dollhouses") across the globe which program individuals referred to as Actives (or Dolls) with temporary personalities and skills. Wealthy clients hire Actives from Dollhouses at great expense for various purposes. The series primarily follows the Active known as Echo, played by Eliza Dushku (who also served as producer), on her journey towards self-awareness.
Doll house 玩偶特工第一集作業
1. 欠人人情要還。2. 你總是輸不起。3. 事出必有因。
4. 我們說不要給對方壓力,我們同時也說不要有牽拌,看我們感情能延續多久在說。
5. 我真不敢相信,你是個傻瓜。
6. 我想要黏著他不放。
7. 這會有一點痛。
8. 這段感情你我都不需要負責。
9. 你太累了。
10. 惡霸。
11. 某事是很興盛。
12. 我不需要你們的英雄主義。
13. 凡事要能順利解決。
14. 我們的人。
15. 我們能為你做到。
16. 你要祈禱。
17. 你的身體狀況不錯。
18. 讓我看看你的膝蓋。
19. 我被什麼東西砸到嗎?
20. 她沒有被麻醉。
1. Keep mapping the tissue.
2. Case designate doll house.
3. How would you describe your progress to date?
4. Slow.
5. Confessor
6. Assassin
7. Dominatrix
8. It’s a survival pattern.
9. Sth’s more extreme, and sth’s more special.
10. You’ve been out of line.
11. He’s feeling me up.
12. Jeopardize.
13. He’s starting to get very personal.
14. He wants to grope me like that.
15. You’re a talker.
16. Take their money or dig a hoe.
17. He’s all thumb.
18. You left a wide trail.
19. Hell you’re on about.= what the hell are u on about.
20. Fall for that crop.
21. Turn us on each other.
22. You will be identified as the ringleader.
23. He’s through with them.
24. Broke them down.
25. It was contained
26. Life without it will be meaningless.
27. I’m such a cliché.